Social Distance Dating and Zoom calls have left us all lonely but now a new crisis arises: FODA!

After more than a year of health mandates, lockdowns, closed venues and activities, many singles are facing a new challenge: FODA – the fear of dating again.

Dating in person again, well, it’s just like riding a bike. Once you get back at it you may feel a little unsteady and even stop to catch your balance, but once you get rolling again, your confidence will return.

You may go slow, you may stop and start, and you may decide to get a better bike or decide you need to work on your own skills but practise makes perfect.

Some clients had the misfortune of starting our Matchmaking service as pandemic restrictions were implemented and many clients simply put in-person dating on hold and choosing to not take matches at all. Others limited interactions to zoom conversations.

We have all become zoom fatigued, and clients say they are tired of social-distanced walks in the park! But now as summer is in full swing with less restrictions, sitting in fear will keep you at home on the sofa with Netflix as your only friend. Get out there and realize that there is nothing to fear and lots of life to be lived.

Face those fears and remember the other person is likely feeling the same way.

Lacking self-confidence? Go buy a new piece of clothing that makes you feel great! Nothing is more attractive than confidence!

Do you have health concerns? Address your concerns up front and get it out of the way. Getting honest and real will help ease anxieties and avoid surprises.

Need to start slow? Set time limits and boundaries as needed before going out. Establishing time limits on first dates can give you an out if you are feeling anxious.

Or take the pressure off and take in a movie or head out to a festival where there are lots of other people-watching to do and activities to engage that distract from having to feel like you need to be “on”.

Getting to know someone can happen quickly when you allow yourselve to be vulnerable. Learn something new together by taking a cooking class, a glass-blowing workshop, or explore city pathways on a scooter!

If being active is your passion, take a date on a bike or hike – there’s nothing like a few tough hills, sweat and laughter to break the ice and remind yourself that you are still you.

You can do this.


Fall into Love


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