Taking the pressure off yourself to be in a relationship is necessary. We constantly compare our dating life to others around us, or what we see online. We question why that has not happened for us, or if the person you're getting to know now will be the one. Let us take the focus away from dating for just a second, and realize how amazing single life really is.

Vancouver has so much to offer for single people looking for fun! For a lot of people being single in your 20s and 30s can be one of the best experiences of your life. Nonetheless learning how to be single can be a difficult adjustment, especially when all your friends are already starting to pair off and settle down. But living in Vancouver provides a great lifestyle for bachelors and bachelorettes, so why not enjoy it while you can? Luckily, Vancouver is bustling with singles, and they’re not hard to find.

There are hundreds of singles activities you can join for the sole purpose of making friends. Craft breweries are a wonderful place, along with exploring Gastown, or, Stanley Park. If you do happen to meet someone, and are in need of a fun date idea then why not try rock-climbing? This date is definitely a unique way to change up your date night. At The Hive indoor rock climbing in downtown Vancouver, you can drop-in for some bouldering for just $20. But if top-roping is more your thing, check out Cliffhanger Climbing just next door. If you’re both beginners make sure you check out the intro to climbing options for maximum safety. The only falling here will be in love!


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